
‘Are you still going with your gut instinct when it comes to getting the best out of your teams or do you think it’s time to use analytics, scientifically-proven assessment methods and action to redefine how your teams perform?’

In today’s lightning-quick world where everyone wants everything done yesterday, ensuring that you have the right people to deliver has never been more important.

Knowing where your staff went to university, how smart they are, their attitude towards punctuality and their skillsets used to be good enough barometers of performance, but what about a person’s behavioural traits, personality, ability to think quickly and deliver consistently high results?

The Benefits of Psychometric Assessment

Every business and organisation, whether in the public, private or third sector, relies on a disparate group of people coming together for the common goal. However, situations where people with different mindsets, abilities and attitudes are put together can lead to conflict.

Through facilitation and coaching, psychometric assessment aims to ensure your teams can understand and appreciate those who are different to each other and ensure that your teams play to their strengths and understand their weaknesses. This can dramatically improve interpersonal communication and become a more efficient, streamlined operation.

Psychometric testing allows you to:

  • Get your teams to work together more effectively 
  • Measure the potential strengths and areas for development of the members of your teams
  • Increase awareness of yourself and others around you
  • Process and evaluate information more efficiently and coherently
  • Evaluate the individual traits that affect a person’s performance at work
  • To develop of bold, competent, imaginative and innovative leaders


‘Louise has the ability to bring people together She has been a great help in providing individual support through competency assessments [and has] really helped us to develop our organisation.’
Clive Wilson, Chief Executive, New Cross Gate NDC


Psychometric testing is also It is a very useful change management tool. It is very helpful during times of change, when people are having to develop new working relationships. It can also be used to help teams understand how they respond to pressure, and how they can work well together during times of heightened stress and uncertainty.

Here at Shepherd Associates, we use the industry’s most highly respected psychometric tests in both group sessions and on a one-to-one basis to ensure your teams are interacting and performing at optimum levels, including:

Myers-Briggs The world’s most popular test for measuring personality types, MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) measures people’s psychological preferences for how they see the world and how they make decisions. It is vital for understanding personality differences and can help people collaborate and avoid (and in some cases, eradicate) conflict, misunderstanding and resentment in the workplace.

In addition, psychometric testing helps employees and managers all the way up the organisational hierarchy to realise and understand the benefits of working with people who have different approaches, mindsets and points of view. It can, in many cases, lead to much better results, both immediately regarding specific project work and in the mid- to long-term for a more inclusive, focused and collaborative workforce.

Strengthscope 360 For our coaching and team events, Strengthscope 360 is a vital tool which provides powerful feedback on how effectively you are using your strengths, risks to performance and recommendations to strengthen performance. It helps to develop confidence, motivation and awareness and offers unique opportunities for improvement.

FIRO B The Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation is a vital tool for unlocking workplace potential. It teaches teams and individuals how to shape and adapt behaviour, to positively influence others and crucially, build trust. Workplace relationships are vital and can often reveal chokepoints but by adopting FIRO B, relationships are managed, performance levels increase

and increases not only the teams’ collective effectiveness but also that of each individual within that team.

‘Our team took part in a workshop about how to manage and respond to change. We found the session incredibly insightful. The mix of activities really helped us unpick how we like to deal with change individually, but also powerfully highlighted that each of us deal with change and stress very differently. Louise provided a supportive environment where we felt able to disclose how stress impacts us, and what we find helpful and unhelpful in those situations. This insight has been invaluable and improved the way we work together as a team, and the impact we’re able to achieve.’ Manager, Arthritis Research UK

Now more than ever you need teams that are in synch with each other, teams that work effectively and teams that deliver the goods time and time again. By using psychometric testing, you will be closer than you ever thought possible.

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