
‘What our clients say about us’
“Louise has a longstanding relationship with Imperial and has developed and run a range of successful programmes that focus on improving collaborative working and leadership.”
Steve Rathborn

Learning and Development Manager, Imperial College

“We have been working regularly with Louise since we set up our practice nearly 25 years ago. She has been brilliant in helping us develop our long term strategy, career development plans and with  interview preparations. She helps create a very positive atmosphere and draws everyone’s best aspects out.”

Claire Wright

Partner, Wright and Wright Architects

“Louise designed and delivered training in customer service approaches for our entire staff, at every level of the organisation. She took time to really understand our rather  complex context and make sure the case studies and role plays with actors we did were realistic and credible for everyone involved. We all learned a lot – people are still talking about the programme. As well as a great deal of positive energy, there was thoughtful reflection and significant attention to detail from Louise and her associates – all things which were important for the “cultural fit” for our organisation. She was also really good at giving difficult  feedback in a sensitive and constructive way: some of us needed to learn more than others in this area!”
Dr Vanessa Davies

Director General, Bar Standards Board

“The greatest strengths that Louise brings, from the client’s point of view, is her ability to quickly understand your needs and tailor a programme to suit them, as well as her ability to grasp the fundamentals of your organisation’s culture, adapting her style and delivery appropriately. Feedback about training and other events that Louise delivers or facilitates is overwhelmingly positive – participants find her approachable, knowledgeable and well equipped to enable people to move from one position to another in terms of their development.”
Anna Knight

Head of HR, Broxbourne Housing Association

“Personally, I really struggle with role-play in training sessions but working with professional actors made all the difference. It was so realistic that at one point I actually thought an angry customer had found their way into the training room! It was one of the best training experiences I have ever had and would not hesitate to recommend Louise Shepherd.”
Sarah Castro

Head of Strategy, Poplar HARCA

“Louise has the ability to bring people together to identify and resolve issues that are important to them. As a facilitator for our Board and staff team away days she made sure that everyone had a chance to participate and contribute to the debates. She has also been a great help in providing individual support through competency assessments, 360% appraisals and coaching. She really helped us to develop our organisation.”
Clive Wilson

Chief Executive, New Cross Gate NDC

“The coaching session with Louise have been incredibly valuable to my professional and personal development. Her ability to listen and quickly understand my experiences and then support me in creating my own solutions is a unique skill. Louise always got straight to the heart of the matter: linking across different experiences which I couldn’t always see myself. From the sessions I have developed greater confidence and self-awareness, as well as a toolkit for managing difficult situations and a plan for approaching my longer term career development.”
Hannah Edwards

Strategic Project Manager, Imperial College Business School

“Our team took part in a workshop delivered by Louise about how to manage and respond to change. We found the session incredibly insightful. The mix of activities really helped us unpick how we like to deal with change individually, but also powerfully highlighted that each of us deal with change and stress very differently. Louise provided a supportive environment where we all felt able to disclose how stress impacts us, and what we find helpful and unhelpful when in those situations. This insight has been absolutely invaluable and improved the way we work together as a team, and the impact we’re able to achieve.”
Morgan Vine

Campaign Manager, Arthritis UK Research

“Louise carried out customer focus training for all of our staff. Following a very successful programme, which was well received by staff. Our levels of customer satisfaction have consistently exceeded our targets. A fantastic result”.
Christine Bramman

Service Improvement Manager, Southwark Building Services

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